The Importance of Police Ballistic Shield in the Law Enforcement Industry

As a law enforcement officer, it is essential to have the proper equipment to handle any situation that may arise while on duty. One of the most critical pieces of equipment that should be in every officer’s arsenal is a police ballistic shield. A ballistic shield is a vital piece of personal protective equipment that provides coverage and protection from […]

How the Modern IFAK is Revolutionizing First Aid on the Battlefield

In military and law enforcement, the importance of having a quick response to medical emergencies can’t be overstated. That’s why soldiers and officers alike need to have access to an IFAK—an individual first aid kit—at all times. But what exactly is the modern IFAK? What should be included in it? And how can it be used effectively in the field? […]

Evolution of Bulletproof Helmet Materials

Ballistic helmets, also known as bulletproof helmets, are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and materials in today’s market. These include rounded steel bowls, hard hat-style liners, and everything in between. Those who have never purchased a bulletproof helmet before could find the extensive range of possibilities and the pressure to choose the one that is the most […]

Popular Tactical Gear FAQs

You’d be surprised when you check out the number of questions people have using a quick survey online. Most people just go by their gut instincts and grandpa’s war stories because there is so much misinformation available today. Well, here are some questions and answers about tactical gear that are commonly asked. Can civilians own tactical gear? The answer is […]

Tactical Helmets for Climbers

Climbing is a very fun recreational activity for a lot of persons. Engaging in these kind of activity requires the use of adequate tactical gears. As fun and exhilarating as this sport is, it is equally dangerous in some regard. In certain circumstances, a climber may slip and sustain vital injuries. The skull which is a fragile and houses the […]

What you should know about the ballistic shield Weight

Bunker shields, ballistic blankets, or ballistic shields, however you choose to call it, it remains a major blockage against armed resistance. Specifically designed to stop bullets and large projectiles, ballistic shields are majorly used by foot soldiers or mobile soldiers. Ballistic shields can be used by SWAT, special operations, and emergency response teams for different scenarios. Around the world, ballistic […]