NIJ Certified Body Armor: Why You Need It

Wearing body armor is essential for military personnel, law enforcement officers, and security professionals. If you are looking for reliable body armor for sale that offers superior protection, then look no further than NIJ Certified body armor. NIJ stands for National Institute of Justice and is the governing agency responsible for setting standards and certifying body armor products in the […]

The Advantages of Ballistic Shields in Tactical Situations

When dealing with tactical situations, it is important to be prepared and have the proper equipment. One such piece of equipment that can be incredibly advantageous in these types of scenarios is a ballistic shield. Ballistic shields are protective devices designed to provide cover for military personnel and law enforcement officers in high-risk situations. They are designed to protect against […]

Are Riot Shields Enough for Riot Control?

Although riot shields are very effective in riot situations, they cannot provide so much security because the most they can withstand are low-speed bullets, shrapnel, stray bullets, etc.  Riot shields are only suitable for basic self-defense and are not for use in extreme situations. The police force and other trained officers use different tools and specific techniques besides riot shields […]

Evolution of Bulletproof Helmet Materials

Ballistic helmets, also known as bulletproof helmets, are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and materials in today’s market. These include rounded steel bowls, hard hat-style liners, and everything in between. Those who have never purchased a bulletproof helmet before could find the extensive range of possibilities and the pressure to choose the one that is the most […]