Are Riot Shields Enough for Riot Control?

Are Riot Shields Enough for Riot Control?

Although riot shields are very effective in riot situations, they cannot provide so much security because the most they can withstand are low-speed bullets, shrapnel, stray bullets, etc.  Riot shields are only suitable for basic self-defense and are not for use in extreme situations. The police force and other trained officers use different tools and specific techniques besides riot shields in extreme riot situations.  

The “Tap-down technique” involves combining riot shields with nonlethal weapons like CS gas. In this technique, a police officer brandishing a projectile weapon will sneak up on another officer holding a shield and tap them on the shoulder. The carrier of the riot shield will then drop to one knee while maintaining the shield in front of them. The officer with a projectile weapon will stretch the barrel over the shield, lean into the back of the shield-bearer with a knee, and fire. With this strategy, both the shooter and the shield carrier are well-protected.

 “Extraction squads” also make use of riot shields. Reserve forces may be called upon to rescue hostages or apprehend lone demonstrators by forming an “extraction squad.” Reserve forces use riot shields to create a shield wall. Behind the shield wall, the crew can come from anywhere. In response to a command, two officers in the front line will move to the left and right, creating a temporary opening through which many officers will exit; the gap will be closed once all officers have passed. One officer’s job will be to keep the target under control while the other goes to acquire the cuffs. Extraction squads do not venture further than 10 meters from the shield wall. There will also be backup from other officers. When they capture a protester, the shield wall will temporarily open so they can haul the protester through. 

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