Tactical gear
Top survival gears for US police

Top survival gears for US police

Being out in the wild, there are chances that you might be exposed to various forms of survival situations as a cop. This is why you need to always have the right survival police gear on you.

Before choosing a gear, you should consider where the survival gear is to be used. The content of the survival gear of a cop going on patrol will be different from that of a cop going to forest or a desert. You should also lookout for the possible challenges that you are likely going to be faced it wherever the gear will be used.

 After considering these factors, you can move to choose the content of his survival gear kit. Here are some of the general contents that will most likely be needed in a survival gear kit.

  • First aid kits: This is a collection of supplies/tools that is used to give quick medical attention to a wounded person. A first aid kit can include gloves, eye protection, medical tape, safety pin, tweezers etc.
  • Tactical kits: This includes a few weapons that would be useful for self-defense and to attack an enemy if the need arises. Examples include a defense pen, knife, a shotgun, or any firearm etc.
  • Food and water: It is important to have enough food and water in a survival kit. This is quite important especially when a cop would be gone for a few days. It would also go a long way if a cop were on his way to a place where getting food would be almost impossible.
  • Blankets:  Blankets can be used as an emergency shelter for a cop.

In a survival situation, weapons cannot serve the same purpose as the content of a survival kit. A cop going on a mission would have his police gear incomplete without his survival kit.

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